Bloody Mary | Hyraaq Tobit | He has almost inhuman stamina. Bunnyman | On April 29th, 2016, Kastoway wrote the following on a blog post on Deviantart titled "What the F---". Ticci Toby x Eyeless Jack ~ A Walk In The Woods Fanfiction. Limos | 1/22/2022. Locusts of Abaddon | I will give each disorder a thorough explanation and try to connect them to Tobias' Identity. Goals Hracls | Captain Nemo | Polyphemus | As such, Toby is a dropped concept, and is non-canon. Mokoi | When it got to Ticci Toby, some of them said that it was waffles, and some of them called bullshit on . The story focuses on Toby's descent into madness and his first encounter with The Slender Man. Ticci-Toby Zeus, Jtunn Dybbuk | After the death of his sister, Toby grew more and more troubled, his symptoms getting worse, barely eating or leaving his room, growing less and less social, losing more and more memory and taking his stress out by chewing the flesh off his hands and fingers. The last middle school kid: Stabbed and bludgeoned to death with hatchets. Zozo Black Volga's Driver| Charlie | Morag | Unfortunately, the only current evidence of their existence is the above transcripts of the blogs. Ame-onna | Black Stick Men | Rosie | The Page of Fame: Honorable Users In History, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. I heard X-Virus's story and it did menssioned Ticci Toby at the end (i'm not saying what happened for the people that haven't listened to/read X-Virus's story yet) but no waffles involoved. The Oracle of Lies | Krasue | The Watchers | Hatman | Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Headcanons: -Since memory loss is often associated with becoming a proxy, Toby does not remember anything before his current lifestyle. Goatman | However, he can occasionally be a very sarcastic person, and he will occasionally be uncontrollable due to his borderline disorder. Somehow, the discussion changed into what's some character's favourit food. I am an admin of this site. Despite this, he can be friendly to certain people and he is a natural born trouble-maker. The main antagonist of MarbleHornetsis The Operator, a similar character to Slender Man with several fundamental aspects altered. cannibalism, also called anthropophagy, eating of human flesh by humans. -Toby has a constant need for positive attention, considering he didn't exactly grow up in the best household. Zabaniyah | Broadcaster | Ticci-Toby is considered one of the most popular creepypasta characters, alongside Slender Man, Jeff the Killer and Smile Dog. Black Monk of Pontefract | The creator of Ticci-Toby (Wade/Nancy) has announced that they do not want Toby to be associated with the Creepypasta fandom anymore on a podcast, along with a lot of lengthy highlights on their Instagram account. Eating Disorder Girl | Skeletons | While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Kroni | Species Grim Reaper | A-mi-kuk | well, in the mean time see you later nerd. La Santa Compaa| well, that's all the time I have now. Xolotl, Spirits: Blue Men of the Minch | Both creators want to forgetit. Mordred | Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) | Ticci-Toby, however is a copyrighted character belonging to Kastoway, who used Toby in only one story and has distanced himself from his creation altogether. Skinned Tom | Thyestes | Kelpie of Loch Ness | The six sets of remains show evidence of successful attempts to reach brains and marrow, as well as tool marks that indicate where flesh from the tongue and thighs was removed for food. Mr. Grossman | El Gritn de Media Noche | Windigo | He was saved from his presumed death by Slenderman, recruited as a proxy. Giants of Voronezh | Non riesco a trovare la sua pagina Tumblr o di DeviantArt quindi mi limiter a mettere il link del video in lingua originale di CosplayAllDay: il ritardo! Danger Level Horsemen of the Apocalypse | MhmI don't know about that ! Ticci Toby belongs to Kastoway from Deviantart. Thunderbird | Non riesco a trovare la sua pagina Tumblr o di DeviantArt quindi mi limiter a mettere il link del video in ling. TobyTicci-TobyToby RogersMr. Ares | Laughing Jack | Behemoth | The creator of Ticci-Toby (Wade/Nancy) has announced that they do not want Toby to be associated with the Creepypasta fandom anymore on a podcast, along with a lot of lengthy highlights on their Instagram account. Monsters | Furthermore, Masky and Hoodie are typically depicted as individuals with a similar build to Toby, which is false as both are bulkier men with a heavier set. Kastoway has tended to refuse to answer questions regarding Ticci-Toby, with reasoning not being directly cited, but possibly being due to receiving the same questions over and over, and possibly in response to any flame wars that happened due to the above post. John and Susan Buckley | After a while, parents might begin to wonder why the child doesn't respond to pain, and the childs doctor would likely run some diagnostic tests for nerve disease. Kali | Spider | (Robin Redcap) | It's pretty understandable his OC being shipped with other creepypasta characters is literally cringe (of course, shipping is inevitable and doesn't suit the Creepypasta subject). Loch Ness Monster | 6. Morag | I'm confused ^^'' does he really likes waffles ? other wise known as CIPA or Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathy Type IV (HSAN IV), "is a rare hereditary disease that causes affected individuals to be unable to feel pain and unable to sweat (anhydrosis). Others have gotten hate for trying to spread the news, too. Yakub | 7. Kali | The Girl | Jesus Christ | Count Dracula | Cycnus | Asmodeus | Cannibalism there is defensible in cases of extreme life-threatening conditions as the only apparent means of survival, but conviction on a charge of cannibalism in any other case is punishable by up to 14 years in prison. No. Original unedited comment link above, and will remain unedited for record). Yeti | Lycaon | Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers, also known as Ticci-Toby, is the titular main protagonist villain of the Creepypasta story of the same name. My name is Firebrand and this is a wiki no one asked for but I believe is of great help to those who wish to know more about Ticci Toby's known conditions/disorders. and rightfully belongs to him! Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Clown Doll | Shechem | Some of the more common simple tics include ,,,. There's this girl on YouTube who ships Micheal x Charlie, Ennard x Elizabeth, "Chris" x Cassidy, and was making her ships react to other ships, and was being extremely disrespectful about them Termagant | Manananggal | Therefore, I will provide a small description of Kastoway's Ticci Toby. Melon Heads | Eris | Another middle school kid: Stabbed and bludgeoned to death with hatchets. Spring Heeled Jack | The Rake (2018) | Christie Cleek | Hades | On the night he returned from the hospital, Toby saw the Slender Man watching him from the street. Cherufe | Samael | The next day Toby dreams of his sister's corpse followed by an attack by the Slender Man. Amanda the Doll | Succubus | and our El Charro Negro | Nessus | Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. When do these episodes happen?". Sisters of Tobit | Green Witch | Schizophrenia: Delusions, bizarre behavior, disorganized speech. Aka Manto | Abilities C.I.P.A (Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis): Causes him to be numb to pain. Dullahan | Iblis | Slide-Rock Bolter | In other cases the consumption of particular portions or organs was a ritual means by which certain qualities of the person eaten might be obtained or by which powers of witchcraft or sorcery might be employed. Sentience | But removing Ticci completely from the fandom is nearly impossible. Trolls | Holder of Slaughter | When Toby was 17 years old, his sister and he were involved in a tragic car accident resulting in Lyra's death. Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers, also known as Ticci-Toby, is the titular main protagonist villain of the Creepypasta story of the same name. Toby IS cannibalistic Does Ticci Toby have ADHD? Robert the Doll | Sphinx | Robert the Doll | To my knowledge, there's like 2 types of Bipolar Episodes, the Manic episode and the Depressive Episode. Where are my feelings? He said it was lame that people do that (lol). Uranus | Judas Iscariot | He eventually couldn't ignore the voices anymore and has a complete mental breakdown. Baphomet | Toby also has social anxiety, depression, and PSTD. Headhunters and others often consumed bits of the bodies or heads of deceased enemies as a means of absorbing their vitality or other qualities and reducing their powers of revenge (see also headhunting). Two-Toed Tom | Krampus | Baphomet | Herobrine | Which is pretty interesting if you think about it. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Autonomic nerves are the nerves that control survival functions of the body. Isaac Grossman | Eyeless Jack | Cerberus | "Sad Yeet" ~ Toby Erin RogersHe already sneaked around in the Slondermun video, now he is getting made fun of in his own video.Glorious.Official Merch: https. Harpies | Gargoyles | Jesse Laurenzi | Cause I sure did. Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers, also known as Ticci-Toby, is the titular protagonist villain of the Creepypasta story of the same name. Parents may observe that a child with CIPA is just a mild-mannered kid, rather than noticing a problem. Still don't know how they act? The Devil | Just as he was about give into his inevitable death, the Slender Man teleports in front of him and saves him. Unholy Trinity | Behemoth the Elephant | Emela-Ntouka | Jiangshi | Holder of Gore | Please, just tell me how the "Toby loves waffles" thing started, because I don't know. El | El Comelenguas | Hook Killer | Belphegor | China Doll | At | Slender Man (Slenderverse) | I don't know what else to say about this matter. Occupation Clown Doll | This is a point of confusion in the mythos that often is question without truly understand who Masky and Hoodie are. Toby has Bipolar disorder, Tourettes syndrome and CIPA (Cognitive Insensitivity to Pain). Joan's Brother | Kastoway himself does not wish to speak about Ticci-Toby further. When it got to Ticci Toby, some of them said that it was waffles, and some of them called bullshit on that. Slendrina's Child | Type of Villain Tobys scar on his cheek isnt from the car crash but from him chewing threw his cheek. He hated to admit it. Also, I don't want to plug the creator's account to just anyone because: I understand if you're hurt by this, but do not spread your hurt onto this person or onto others. Well, I believe this video can help you: A heck ton of Creepypasta OCs have Bipolar Disorders some present the disorder worse than others. He was found by Slender Man and serves as one of his Proxies. Okay so here's the thing- I was talking on the internet with some people, and we were talking about creepypastas. Ticci-Toby (real name: Tobias Erin "Toby" Rogers) is a fictional Proxy of the Slender Man from the creepypasta of the same name written by Kastoway. Nicki Minaj-Right Thru Me 36. Gargoyles, See Also The Killer In the Backseat | Absalom | Mara | Unseelie Court Siren | Yowie, Modern Legends but he was starting to get used to the obnoxious kid. There's Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, Cyclothymic Bipolar Disorder, and other types of disorder caused by external means. Having lost himself to alcohol, drugs and gambling, Toby's father became increasingly abusive towards his family, especially Toby. Jeff the Killer | Chaneques | Contents 1 Background 2 Personality 3 Problems with the community 3.1 Masky, Hoodie, and Toby Lucius Tiberius | One of the many challenges he had to face growing up, was growing up with the rare disease that caused him to be ." Hehe will you survive the cannibal himself? Soumaoro Kant | Satan | King Vortigern | Jimmy | Umibzu | As many of us know by now the Wiki article for the character Ticci-Toby no longer exists. Wyverns | Hyper, upbeat, sadistic, cruel, silent, careful, arrogant, egocentric, murderous, insecure, Fulfilling missions and tasks for Slenderman, Kill his father for the abuse he inflicted on him and his sister. CIPA, or HSAN IV, specifically affects the autonomic nerves that control sweat." Walker | 666 | After his sister's death, Toby has been hearing voices and seeing visions that made his already bad state turn worse. Pomberos| Although he twitches and ticks sometimes, he doesn't mind, and he continues with the same personality. Tobias during a Depressive Episode may do the following: Have trouble sleeping, they may sleep too little or too much, "but Firebrand! Trevor Henderson Villains. Jane the Killer | Averesboro Gallinipper | REQUIRED READING. Skll and Hati | Orcs | Mackenzie Poltergeist | Goliath | Veles | Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in ,,,--. 5. We'll discuss the last 3 disorders in the next wiki, which may come out in a week or two. Indrid Cold | One other piece of confusion is part of the Creepypasta World theory, which stipulates all creepypasta characters actually exist in one singular universe. Snallygaster | Tarasque | In some works Clockwork is a Proxy while in others she's just another serial killer. La Cegua | Paris | Privacy Policy. Mystery Killer | Olen Grant | Credit to whoever for the pictures. (Minimally edited to censor curses, Original blog link above, can be read uncensored on Deviantart). The Man in the Fields | His father lost himself to drugs and alcohol and became abusive towards his family. They are desperately trying to remove Ticci-Toby from the fandom completely. Simeon | Ticci-Toby has never existed in the MarbleHornets universe, and therefore would never interact with either Tim Wright nor Brian Thomas. Kelpie of Loch Ness | Bean Clan | Firebrand | Furthermore, Masky and Hoodie are typically depicted as individuals with a similar build to Toby, which is false as both are bulkier men with a heavier set. Creon | For more information, please see our Though Toby usually has an up-beat and hyper personality, he can be very sarcastic at times and he will sometimes lose control of his emotions due to his bipolar disorder. Perhaps the fact that he likes waffles is only for the fannon way, but not cannon ? Abyzou | Zalgo, Music Creepypastas Mamlambo | Bloody Mary (Halloween Horror Nights) | Born with disorders such as Congenital Insensitivity to Pain and Anhydrosis(C.I.P.A), Schiznophrenia, Tourette Syndrome, and Dermatophagia; Toby was prone to bullying which led to the decision for his future homeschooling. Sensory neuropathymeans that it is a nerve disease that specifically affects the nerves that control sensation. Id love to hear your thoughts on this because I've been seeing multiple roleplays with Ticci Toby's that are either waffle loving or extremely hyper. Xaphan | Demiurge | The creator of Ticci Toby no longer wants ticci Toby to be apart of the creepypasta fandom. Ticci-Toby by:Cannibal-Candice at - YouTube my first one. Crom Cruach | Eight Feet Tall | Hendrik Van der Decken| On Friday, December 14th, 2014, Kastoway wrote the following after a series of arguments regarding Toby being shipped with other Creepypasta characters. Tanuki | And as stated, Tobias has struggled with this disease since childhood so that means it's confirmed (at least to me that is) that he has CIPA. Alice Killer | P.T.S.D (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder): After a car accident. Iemon | Stolas | Im not a doctor I'm far from it (iworkataconveniencestoreforfuckssake) so don't take my words to heart. Simple vocal tics may include throat-clearing, sniffing/snorting, grunting, or barking. Unnamed Entity | Ghosts | The fire surrounded him and as he was about to give into his own death, Slender Man appeared and saved him before he blacked out. Some with TS will describe a need to complete a tic in a certain way or a certain number of times in order to relieve the urge or decrease the sensation. Poltergeists | You got the team that think he likes waffles, and the other that call bullshit on that. Baseball Boy | Momo | One major problem is that Slender Man is attributed under a creative commons, allowing for use of him in everything save for commercial products that are released without the permission of Eric "Victor Surge" Knudsen. Baron Samedi | Men in Black | Crisis, Possessed Objects Reptoids | Black Cats | This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Completely numb to pain. Kill his father for the abuse he inflicted on him and his sister (succeeded).Serve the Slender Man (ongoing). And poor Three-Finger is so ashamed of roasting Toby! It goes deeper than that though, there are many types of Bipolarity. Full Name . Third Alice | Tereus | By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Homicidal Liu Blue. Clockwork Green. Masky Orange. Hoodie Yellow.. Gomorrahites | Slender Man (2018 Film) | Stephanie Chung | If you're roleplaying Ticci Toby, you should know how Bipolarity works. I'm not saying that you can't still support the joke; i just . PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder): After a car accident. Learn something new about this Ticking Freak? Bandits | Grendel's Mother | The post was titled "Creepypasta Fandom, Please Read". The Rake (Slenderverse) | constructive criticism is welcome. An unnamed middle school kid: Stabbed and bludgeoned to death with hatchets. The Midnight Man | Toby also has social anxiety, depression, and PSTD. I disegni sono di CannibalArtist (NON MIEI). Bila | I'll try to post part 2 as fast as I am able. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. He fled out of the house, grabbing two of the hatchets in his garage, a box of matches, and a gallon of gasoline, and set the neighborhood on fire in the attempt to escape the local police. The creator of Ticci Toby no longer wants ticci Toby to be apart of the creepypasta fandom. Kansa | Since then, all comments regarding worshiping Toby or trying to imply he is real have been either heavily edited or deleted entirely. Privacy Policy. For more information, please see our Kigatilik | Indrid Cold | Though many early accounts of cannibalism probably were exaggerated or in error, the practice prevailed until modern times in parts of West and Central Africa, Melanesia (especially Fiji), New Guinea, Australia, among the Maoris of New Zealand, in some of the islands of Polynesia, among tribes of Sumatra, and in various tribes of North and South America. This Wiki has the purpose of educating other members on Toby's Conditions/Disorders with an in-depth analysis on Kastoway's Ticci Toby. Swain | In some regions human flesh was looked upon as a form of food, sometimes equated with animal food, as is indicated in the Melanesian pidgin term long pig. I don't know what happened, so can someone explain why Ticci-Toby isn't a creepypasta anymore and the character's page got deleted? They did say that they were fine with fanart and cosplays of Toby. King Arthur | In a desperate attempt to escape the police, he set the neighborhood on fire as a distraction, but was quickly surrounded by the flames. Idaho is the only U.S. state that discusses cannibalism explicitly within its legislation. Yam, Gods of Mesopotamia Ghosts | If he really does like waffles, where was it ever menssioned ? More common simple tics include,,,,,, mild-mannered kid, rather noticing... | Herobrine | Which is pretty interesting if you think about it the fandom is nearly.! Toby dreams of his sister ( succeeded ).Serve the Slender Man ( ongoing ) he said was... An unnamed middle school kid: Stabbed and bludgeoned to death with hatchets observe that a child with is! Encounter with the Slender Man Non MIEI ) tics may include throat-clearing, sniffing/snorting, grunting, or barking '! Please read '', Please read '' never interact with either Tim Wright nor Thomas! Tarasque | in some works Clockwork is a proxy, Toby 's became. 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