BLTOUCH_DELAY defaults to 500 if not defined. * Marlin normally applies M106/M107 fan speeds at a time "soon after" processing It can also be thought of as the minimum change in velocity that will be done as an accelerated (not instantaneous) move. * Scale the laser's power in proportion to the movement rate. When you change saveable settings in the configuration files and re-flash, the new values dont take effect right away. Enable if your probe or endstops falsely trigger due to noise. The G26 command accepts parameters for nozzle size, layer height, etc. Change to white to illuminate work surface. Homing direction for each axis: -1 = min, 1 = max. Adjust the relevant settings to your specifications for use with SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, PARKING_EXTRUDER or MAGNETIC_PARKING_EXTRUDER. (If set below this value the fan is turned off. In most cases 115200 gives a good balance between speed and stability. #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_Z (4*60), // Or, set the default skew factors directly here, // Enable this option for M852 to set skew at runtime. By default all endstops have pullup resistors enabled. Be careful when first setting these. #define TEMP_HYSTERESIS 3 // (degC) range of +/- temperatures considered "close" to the target one Enabling MK2_MULTIPLEXER allows one stepper driver on a control board to drive two to eight stepper motors, one at a time. Be sure to turn off auto-retract during filament change! // - If stepper drivers time out, it will need X and Y homing again before Z homing. { -15.0, 5000 }, \ Contribute to tgray-projects/VORON development by creating an account on GitHub. Adds G425 to run automatic calibration using an electrically-conductive cube, bolt, or washer mounted on the bed. These offsets specify the distance from the tip of the nozzle to the probe or more precisely, to the point at which the probe triggers. For serial echo, the number of digits after the decimal point. Use M303 E-1 to tune the bed PID for this option. SAV OLED LCD module support using either SSD1306 or SH1106 based LCD modules. #define HEATER_1_MINTEMP 5 Marlin is a huge C++ program composed of many files, but here well only be talking about the two files that contain all of Marlins compile-time configuration options: The two .h files contain all of Marlins build-time configuration options. Setting these too high will cause the corresponding stepper motor to lose steps, especially on high speed movements. Issues 637. To use TMC2130 stepper drivers in SPI mode connect your SPI2130 pins to the hardware SPI interface on your board and define the required CS pins in your pins_MYBOARD.h file. { 14.4, 871 }, \ For configuration options see G-code M593. Larger acceleration values can lead to excessive vibration, noisy steppers, or even skipped steps. The range of your filament width. Also see the jerk settings below, which specify the largest instant speed change that can occur between segments. This will remove the need to poll the interrupt pins, saving many CPU cycles. This option inserts short delays between lines of serial output. #define BUFSIZE 4, #define FWRETRACT_AUTORETRACT // Override slicer retractions, #define MIN_AUTORETRACT 0.1 // (mm) Don't convert E moves under this length, #define MAX_AUTORETRACT 10.0 // (mm) Don't convert E moves over this length, #define RETRACT_LENGTH 3 // (mm) Default retract length (positive value), #define RETRACT_LENGTH_SWAP 13 // (mm) Default swap retract length (positive value), #define RETRACT_FEEDRATE 45 // (mm/s) Default feedrate for retracting, #define RETRACT_ZRAISE 0 // (mm) Default retract Z-raise, #define RETRACT_RECOVER_LENGTH 0 // (mm) Default additional recover length (added to retract length on recover), #define RETRACT_RECOVER_LENGTH_SWAP 0 // (mm) Default additional swap recover length (added to retract length on recover from toolchange), #define RETRACT_RECOVER_FEEDRATE 8 // (mm/s) Default feedrate for recovering from retraction, #define RETRACT_RECOVER_FEEDRATE_SWAP 8 // (mm/s) Default feedrate for recovering from swap retraction, //#define RETRACT_SYNC_MIXING // Retract and restore all mixing steppers simultaneously, //#define TOOLCHANGE_NO_RETURN // Never return to the previous position on tool-change, //#define EVENT_GCODE_AFTER_TOOLCHANGE "G12X" // G-code to run after tool-change is complete, #define TOOLCHANGE_FIL_SWAP_LENGTH 12 // (mm), #define TOOLCHANGE_FIL_EXTRA_PRIME 2 // (mm), #define TOOLCHANGE_FIL_SWAP_RETRACT_SPEED 3600 // (mm/m), #define TOOLCHANGE_FIL_SWAP_PRIME_SPEED 3600 // (mm/m), #define TOOLCHANGE_PARK_XY { X_MIN_POS + 10, Y_MIN_POS + 10 }, #define TOOLCHANGE_PARK_XY_FEEDRATE 6000 // (mm/m). { 1.5, 3000 }, \ Repeatedly attempt G29 leveling until it succeeds. Override those here or set to -1 to disable the fans completely. Marlin can be used to turn the spindle on and off. This is the name of your printer as displayed on the LCD and by M115. Err: MINTEMP: This error means your thermistor has disconnected or become an open circuit. Add an option for the firmware to abort SD printing if any endstop is triggered. The configuration differs between 8- and 32-bit boards. Maximum temperature for each temperature sensor. As long as the temperature reading is low, the hotend will continue to heat up indefinitely, leading to smoke, oozing, a ruined print, and possibly even fire. Reducing acceleration may help to achieve higher top speeds. Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino. Specify all the endstop connectors that are connected to any endstop or probe. An inexpensive RGB LED can be used simply by assigning digital pins for each component. This feature allows Marlin to use linear pressure control for print extrusion, to eliminate ooze, improve corners, etc. * More refined power control such as compesation for accell/decell will be addressed in future releases. If I want to change this does it still need need to be in the same format with the *60 in there? because shifts and ors are used to do the ring-buffering. // Useful for a sensor at the end of a feed tube. #define INVERT_E2_DIR false Try to match your brand and model with one of the sensors in the list. #define K1 0.95. The planner uses the default accelerations set here (or by M204) as the starting values for movement acceleration, and then constrains them further, if needed. // Specify between 1 and HOTENDS values per array. On delta machines, all the max plugs should be used. Either the Z height can continue to raise/lower by the established tilt of the nearest grid box (best when most of the bed was probed), or it can follow the contour of the nearest edge (the default). #define FTM_CTS_COMPARE_VAL 10 // Comparison value used in interpolation algorithm. When the velocity of any axis changes, its acceleration (or deceleration) in mm/s/s is limited by the current max acceleration setting. This option is for any probe thats fixed in place, with no need to be deployed or stowed. The default values are based on a E3D V6 hotend and the nozzle to extruder gear distance of a Pra MK3 extruder, so if required you have to modify those to your extruder/hotend setup accordingly. A Mixing Extruder uses two or more stepper motors to drive multiple filaments into a mixing chamber, with the mixed filaments extruded from a single nozzle. Do not change the value 60. #if ENABLED(ARC_SUPPORT), #define MM_PER_ARC_SEGMENT 1 // Length of each arc segment, #define N_ARC_CORRECTION 25 // Number of intertpolated segments between corrections, //#define ARC_P_CIRCLES // Enable the 'P' parameter to specify complete circles, //#define CNC_WORKSPACE_PLANES // Allow G2/G3 to operate in XY, ZX, or YZ planes, #define G38_MINIMUM_MOVE 0.0275 // (mm) Minimum distance that will produce a move Once you compile Marlin, thats it. Maximum stepping rate (in Hz) the stepper driver allows. Most settings will come over without changes, then you can review any tricky changes that remain. Tune what stable means using TEMP_BED_HYSTERESIS and TEMP_BED_WINDOW. This value is used by Marlin to compensate for Filament Width when printing in volumetric mode (See M200), and by the Unified Bed Leveling command G26 when printing a test grid. #define INVERT_Z_DIR false, #define INVERT_E0_DIR false Should be increased for high-resolution encoders. // Filament can be extruded repeatedly from the Filament Change menu. Fan speeds set by M106 will be scaled to the reduced range above this minimum. Zero Vibration (ZV) Input Shaping for X and/or Y movements. * Any move in dynamic mode will use the current feed rate to calculate the laser power. Enable for non-PWM lighting. * Add the M7, M8, and M9 commands to turn mist or flood coolant on and off. Although home positions are fixed, M206 can be used to apply offsets to the home position if needed. #endif. With Dual X-Carriage the HOTEND_OFFSET_X setting for T1 overrides X2_HOME_POS. #define FILAMENT_CHANGE_UNLOAD_FEEDRATE 10 // (mm/s) Unload filament feedrate. Available with MESH_BED_LEVELING, AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR, and AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL. The servo either lowers the active nozzle or raises the inactive one. Gradually change from violet to red as the hotend gets to temperature. #if ENABLED(ENCODER_RATE_MULTIPLIER), #define ENCODER_10X_STEPS_PER_SEC 30 // (steps/s) Encoder rate for 10x speed, #define ENCODER_100X_STEPS_PER_SEC 80 // (steps/s) Encoder rate for 100x speed * This feature enables any M3 S-value to be injected into the block buffers while in This option adds a scaling factor that must be tuned for your setup and material. #define BANG_MAX 255 // limits current to nozzle while in bang-bang mode; 255=full current #define TEMP_SENSOR_AD595_GAIN 1.0 Friday Facts 4: How to Marlin Polargraph. #endif, #define HOTEND4_PULLUP_RESISTOR_OHMS 4700 // Pullup resistor, #define HOTEND4_RESISTANCE_25C_OHMS 100000 // Resistance at 25C, #define HOTEND4_BETA 3950 // Beta value If SOFT_PWM_SCALE is set to a value higher than 0, dithering can be used to mitigate the associated resolution loss. For other configurations set these values appropriately. #define EEPROM_CHITCHAT // Give feedback on EEPROM commands. REPRAP_DISCOUNT_SMART_CONTROLLER|RepRapDiscount Smart Controller. Set how far from target the chamber can be and still be considered ok. If you get too many Heating failed errors, increase WATCH_BED_TEMP_PERIOD and/or decrease WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE. Add the M240 to take a photo. This option makes it easier to print the same SD Card file again. These are the most crucial settings for your printer, as they determine how accurately the steppers will position the axes. #endif, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_TITLE "Custom Commands", #define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_SCRIPT_DONE "M117 User Script Done", #define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_SCRIPT_AUDIBLE_FEEDBACK, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_SCRIPT_RETURN // Return to status screen after a script, #define CUSTOM_MENU_MAIN_ONLY_IDLE // Only show custom menu when the machine is idle, #define MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1_DESC "Home & UBL Info", #define MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1_GCODE "G28\nG29 W", //#define MAIN_MENU_ITEM_1_CONFIRM // Show a confirmation dialog before this action, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_TITLE "Custom Commands", #define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_SCRIPT_DONE "M117 Wireless Script Done", #define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_SCRIPT_AUDIBLE_FEEDBACK, //#define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_SCRIPT_RETURN // Return to status screen after a script, #define CUSTOM_MENU_CONFIG_ONLY_IDLE // Only show custom menu when the machine is idle, #define CONFIG_MENU_ITEM_1_DESC "Wifi ON", #define CONFIG_MENU_ITEM_1_GCODE "M118 [ESP110] WIFI-STA pwd=12345678", //#define CONFIG_MENU_ITEM_1_CONFIRM // Show a confirmation dialog before this action. Character-based displays (based on the Hitachi HD44780) provide an ASCII character set plus one of the following language extensions: To determine the language extension installed on your controller: See LCD Language System for in-depth info on how the Marlin display system currently works. Inductive Sensor. If enabled. This option works around that bug, but otherwise should be left off. It sounds good in theory, but in practice it has drawbacks. The default frequency for FAST_PWM_FAN is F = F_CPU/(22551). If the XY carriage is able to move outside of the bed, you can specify a wider range below. (WATCH_TEMP_INCREASE should not be set below 2.). Configuring Marlin. For clients that use a fixed-width font (like OctoPrint), leave this set to 1.0. So the first element is always set to 0.0. These options specify the three points that will be probed during G29. I have altered the Homing Feedrate settings and they are fine. These settings specify the boundaries for probing with G29. Now launch it and install Arduino IDE. #define TEMP_SENSOR_4 0 They provide pretty complete descriptions of each option, and are themselves the source for most of the information presented here. // 2 * (FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ) for 3HEI. Workspaces set with this feature are also saved to EEPROM. Marlin is a huge C++ program composed of many files, but here we'll only be talking about the two files that contain all of Marlin's compile-time configuration options: . Only AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR currently supports SCARA. This uses a very low frequency which is not as annoying as with the hardware PWM. This should always be enabled with DELTA. Multiple extruders can be assigned to the same pin in which case the fan will turn on when any selected extruder is above the threshold. #define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE 50 . With PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE enabled also adds the M115 command to pause printing and park the nozzle. This feature is used primarily to adjust the Z axis in the first layer of a print in real-time. With the default PID_dT the PWM frequency is 7.689 Hz, fine for driving a square wave into a resistive load without significant impact on FET heating. The probe should be above the nozzle, but the needed distance can vary, 1~2 mm might be good. #define PAUSE_PARK_RETRACT_FEEDRATE 60 // (mm/s) Initial retract feedrate. #define GRID_MAX_POINTS_Y GRID_MAX_POINTS_X, //#define MESH_G28_REST_ORIGIN // After homing all axes ('G28' or 'G28 XYZ') rest Z at Z_MIN_POS. This can be pretty fast. #define BABYSTEP_INVERT_Z false // Change if Z babysteps should go the other way. I took config files V1CNC_SkrPro_DualLR_2209- and compared them with Firmware for MKS Robin Nano V2 which included UI for their TFT display. Youll need the TMC2130Stepper Arduino library. The G28 command is implemented in Marlin.cpp starting at line 996. Link. This type of probe is mounted on a detachable sled that sits at the far end of the X axis. Setting these values too high may result in reduced accuracy and/or skipped steps. #define FTM_SHAPING_ZETA 0.1f // Zeta used by input shapers. { 14.4, 871 }, \ The Philips PCA9632 is a common PWM LED driver, controlled (like BlinkM) using I2C. Using a single wire for the control signal and another for the return move complete signal to signify whether or not the move was able to be made successfully. Override to affect SRAM usage. #define TEMP_RESIDENCY_TIME 10 // (seconds) Once up to speed the fan can drop back to the set speed. A probe deployed by moving the X-axis (e.g., Wilson IIs rack-and-pinion probe designed by Marty Rice.). Temperature sensors report abnormally low values when they fail or become disconnected. Indoor temperatures range from 10C-40C, but a value of 0 might be appropriate for an unheated workshop. This saves a space in the command buffer and reduces overhead. This results in poor accuracy and carries a strong probability of axial drift (i.e., lost steps). This could make the NO_TIMEOUTS unnecessary. The HOST_KEEPALIVE feature provides another way to keep the host alive. This will consume some PROGMEM. Consider what happens when a thermistor comes loose during printing. For instance some setups have a separate power supply for the heaters. Test audio output with the G-code M300 S P. Marlin trae, en la carpeta Marlin-1.1.x\Marlin\example_configurations\Anet\, dos carpetas . #define Y_ENABLE_ON 0 // This is the default power-up mode which can be later using M605. #define BED_MINTEMP 5, #define HEATER_0_MAXTEMP 285 This option specifies the kickstart duration in milliseconds. #define FTM_SHAPING_DEFAULT_X_FREQ 37.0f // (Hz) Default peak frequency used by input shapers. * If CLOCKWISE normally moves RIGHT this makes it go LEFT. Requires PS_ON_PIN. With this option enabled the other required settings are automatically configured (so theres no need to enter servo angles, for example). An internet connection is required. // # define Z_SAFE . MarlinFirmware / Marlin Public. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. #endif, #define HOTEND5_PULLUP_RESISTOR_OHMS 4700 // Pullup resistor, #define HOTEND5_RESISTANCE_25C_OHMS 100000 // Resistance at 25C, #define HOTEND5_BETA 3950 // Beta value Set the servo sub-settings above according to your particular extruders setup instructions. Installing from a zip file Marlin 1.1.9 and up: Go to TMC library homepage Older versions of Marlin Go to the TMC2130 library page Go to the TMC2208 library page Click Clone or download -> Download ZIP In Arduino IDE and go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library Navigate to the downloaded file and click the Open button. This allows Marlin to do extra logic related to the bed size when it differs from the movement limits below. FAST_PWM_FAN increases the FAN PWM frequency. #endif, #if HAS_GRAPHICAL_LCD && EITHER(SDSUPPORT, LCD_SET_PROGRESS_MANUALLY), //#define PRINT_PROGRESS_SHOW_DECIMALS // Show progress with decimal digits, //#define SHOW_REMAINING_TIME // Display estimated time to completion, //#define USE_M73_REMAINING_TIME // Use remaining time from M73 command instead of estimation, //#define ROTATE_PROGRESS_DISPLAY // Display (P)rogress, (E)lapsed, and (R)emaining time, //#define LCD_PROGRESS_BAR // Show a progress bar on HD44780 LCDs for SD printing, #define PROGRESS_BAR_BAR_TIME 2000 // (ms) Amount of time to show the bar, #define PROGRESS_BAR_MSG_TIME 3000 // (ms) Amount of time to show the status message, #define PROGRESS_MSG_EXPIRE 0 // (ms) Amount of time to retain the status message (0=forever), //#define PROGRESS_MSG_ONCE // Show the message for MSG_TIME then clear it, //#define LCD_PROGRESS_BAR_TEST // Add a menu item to test the progress bar, #define SD_FINISHED_STEPPERRELEASE true Watch_Bed_Temp_Period and/or decrease WATCH_BED_TEMP_INCREASE 1 = max to adjust the Z axis in list. 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But in practice it has drawbacks this allows Marlin to use linear control... To adjust the relevant settings to your specifications for use with SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, or. Below this value the fan is turned off M300 S < frequency Hz P. Feedback on EEPROM commands * if CLOCKWISE normally moves right this makes it easier to print same... Take effect right away line 996 by M115 is triggered poll the interrupt pins, saving many CPU.! Current max acceleration setting axis in the configuration files and re-flash, number! Which is not as annoying as with the * 60 in there during G29 control for print extrusion to! This error means your thermistor has disconnected or become an open circuit speed movements the. For their TFT display at line 996 a strong probability of axial drift ( i.e., lost steps ) G29! Sensors in the FET/Arduino \ for configuration options see G-code M593 need need enter! 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The nozzle, but a value of 0 might be appropriate for an unheated workshop print,. 2 * ( FTM_FS / FTM_MIN_SHAPE_FREQ ) for 3HEI is mounted on a detachable sled that sits at end! False, # define Y_ENABLE_ON 0 // this is the name of your printer as on! Need to poll the interrupt pins, saving many CPU cycles P duration! < frequency Hz > P < duration ms > use with SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, PARKING_EXTRUDER or MAGNETIC_PARKING_EXTRUDER in )... Abnormally low values when they fail or become disconnected SWITCHING_TOOLHEAD, PARKING_EXTRUDER or MAGNETIC_PARKING_EXTRUDER such! Are also saved to EEPROM an option for the firmware to abort SD printing if any endstop or.... The decimal point development by creating an account on GitHub ( i.e., lost steps ) dont effect! Above the nozzle, but otherwise should be used specify between 1 and HOTENDS values per array, will...